Sadly Heartbeat IV, although in Jolly Harbour, Antigua has not done this years Caribbean 600 as all efforts are directed towards the Bermuda Race. Current plan is Heartbeat leaves Antigua late April and will travel ~ 1500 miles to Pilot’s Point Marina in Long Island. We will then have to get her race fit and rated ORR by May 22nd. No pressure. A crack prep team will be in Long Island from ~ May 15th to 20th. Come and join us as we need all the help we can get. We will then mainly travel out on ~ June 13th for the start of the 635 mile Newport-Bermuda Race on 2oth June. We hope to do a quick divert to Manhattan with Heartbeat to overnight at Battery Park and sail past the Statue of Liberty. Find out all about the race here –
Whilst following this year’s Caribbean 600 we came across some images from 2013 of Heartbeat – see We had been tracking Selene closely this year and she had made a great tactical move putting her into the lead of IRC 3 but for some reason she has retired. All on board are fine but the reasons for retirement are as yet unknown.
Anyway here’s a few pics of Heartbeat IV (and III) in sunnier climes or doing other things
in the last few years. We’re looking forward to being back on board Heartbeat IV!